Cedarburg Science has been involved from the start of the restoration and development of the Forest Beach Migratory Preserve, a property of the Ozaukee-Washington Land Trust. During this past year, the Land Trust received $454,000 in federal economic recovery act funds to help pay for project development and restoration activities. On May 8th, the first observance at this location of International Migratory Bird Day was held for members of the public to participate in bird walks, learn from presentations by WDNR –Bureau of Endangered Resources Ornithologist Kim Grveles and Cedarburg Science Ornithologist Bill Mueller, and see displays from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Land Trust, Flying Wild, Treasures of Oz, Bird City Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology. Representatives of the Land Trust and the Fish & Wildlife Service were on hand to assist the public in learning more about the restoration and management activities. Cedarburg Science is proud to have prepared the Restoration and Management Plan for this site. Photos here show recent planting work done on the preserve.